
Wellness bike Pmzero, the revolution is already here now and is not going to stop!

Pmzero the bicycle that never hurts

The pedal assisted version

Since classic e-bikes became fashionable, we at Pmzero have felt the need to invent something that wasn’t there. After 10,000 hours of study and research, our first wellness bike was born. Thanks to this new electric bicycle, the world of cycling has changed considerably.

Electric bikes are becoming increasingly popular in all segments, conquering more and more cyclist users of all ages.

The Pmzero Wellness bikes are recognized as the revolution of the traditional bicycle. They have been designed to be pain free and to circulate endorphins quickly.

Born as medical bicycles, in fact initially it was the antiprostate bicycle par excellence, then working on finishes such as: carbon, aluminum and ad hoc components, starting from 2018, Pmzero launched its first handcrafted collection and immediately received the award EICMA Start Up.

But how to choose the ideal electric bike?

Simple, choose the innovative one. The Pmzero Wellness Bike, the one that will make you live your experiences, on two wheels like never before.

The muscular version

The position of the torso on the Wellness Bike thus allows and facilitates the thrust of the legs and consequently maximum performance with minimum muscle tension. Therefore, maximum yield with minimum effort; for this reason many of the users on the plain opt for traditional use, without resorting to the pedal  support (hence our wellness bike version without motor). What better proof of comfort? Fatigue is not felt and therefore the pleasure of pedaling is the protagonist. All this is possible thanks to the concept that is at the base of this bike, decidedly out of the ordinary both aesthetically and ergonomically: once in the saddle and given the first turns of the pedals – also strategically positioned – you will experience a extremely satisfying and complete experience.

Book it online now. Pmzero, let yourself pedal!

Enter the eco-sustainable world of pmzero e-bike finally on sale. The electric bike pmzero e-bike in bergamo, are produced and customized in Italy, on the customer’s request in a limited series.

Now also electric bike rental service – rent bike directly to your home..

We rent fleets for tourist facilities & companies.

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