Cycling through the cycle paths of Rome – 1st episode

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Pedaling through the cycle paths of Rome – Cristina Galardini’s Vlog

We are starting our ride from Via Prenestina almost Villa Gordiani, an archeological park in Roma situated one third of mile of Via Prenestina.

There are the ruins of the big Patrizia Villa traditionally identified with the imperial Gordiani family. The sources of ancient wrote for the “Historia Augusta”, the Villa had 200 columns of arch door. 

Other structure like the Basilic and the sources of ancients recorded like the beautifulest of Roma and that we can’t compare in all the Roman Empire.

Along the bicycle trip we cross Largo Preneste where we find the sepulcher of Largo Preneste, a sepulcher building built between the second and third siecle A.D. Going close to Pigneto, an urban zone spread in a triangle form from the Piazza Labicano, via Prenestina, Casilina and Acqua Bullicante.

During the second war, the Pigneto was composed by the popular people like in San Lorenzo who was very active against the fascism who had lived a bombing raid from 1943 to 1944.

The 20 December 2003 underground they found the base of Brigate Rosse on the street Raimondo Montepuccioli 3. Recently thank also to its relatively proximity to the Roma University La Sapienza the Pigneto become one of popular area for the young people to enjoy the life.

We arrive at Porta Maggiore one of the door in Mure Aureliane of Roma. Here we find the point where converge 8 of the 11 aqueduct that brought the water to the city. This area called “Ad Spem Veterem” because it was close to an old temple dedicated in 477 BC to Dea Speranza.

Turn to the Piazza Vittorio inside Esquillino district with around 10000 meters square more than the Piazza San Pietro it’s the largest square in Roma. At the end of 1800, in the middle of this Umbertino’s style Piazza, is born spontaneously a big outside market.

This market sale food and other things. In the immediate post-war period, under the Portico, around the Piazza Vittorio there were a lot of stands selling mainly different things like tobacco, pieces of bicycle like you can see in the movie Ladri di Biciclette of Vittorio De Sica.

The market had survived until 1990, it mostly frequents by the roman people that came from different area of Roma because it was less expensive and some curious tourists. In the 1980s, following the restructuring of the square and all around began the construction of a new covered market called the “Nuovo Mercato Esquilino”.

To enjoy a break, we are going down the long Via Cavour, a Roma’s street linking Piazza dei Cinquecento to Via dei Fori Imperiali.

The tracing of the way is born like axis of connection between the Stazione Termini and the Fori Imperiali and was realized from 1880 until 1910. On the doors of many building, it is still today possible to read the years of the construction. We are to Fori Imperiali, one of the most beautiful way in Roma, opened in 1932 with the name Via dell’Impero. 

It takes its current name from the monumental remains of the Foro of Cesare, of Augusto, Minerva, of Della Pace and Traiana that can be admired along it.

It connects Piazza Venezia with the Colosseo that constitutes its visual milestone and surround by domestic pines the characteristic tree of Rome.

In addition to the Fori Imperiali, the street overlooks other famous Roman monuments: like the Basilica Massenzio, the Foro Romano, the Mercati Traianei, the Torre delle Milizie, the house of Cavalieri di Rodi and the eastern side of the Vittoriano. At the midway of the street on our right stands the spectacular Colosseo.

Originally known as Anfiteatro Flavio located in downtown Rome, it is the largest amphitheater in the world. There is the possibility to welcome around 50,000 and 87,000 people.

It is the most important roman amphitheater, as well as the most imposing monument of ancient Rome that we have a chance to admire. In 1980 UNESCO had included it in the list of World Heritage Sites.

Oh no, we forgot the keys! No, I’m joking.

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